The European Mathematical Society
Committee for Developing Countries

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Giulia di Nunno

As part of the EMS-CDC team, I am directly involved in two sub-committees: ERCE and twinning. As for ERCE (Emerging Regional Centres of Excellence), the committee has awarded one centre, Lahore, in 2011. The committee follows the discussions on new possible locations. As for Twinning, there has been no actual activity.

Norway has joined CIMPA with 2012 and I am one of the members in the Steering Committee, representing the Norwegian Mathematical Society partner in CIMPA. The core of the work consists in the selection, after proposal of the scientific committee, of the CIMPA researcher schools and the discussion of possible development strategies. For this I have participated to the Steering Committee meeting in Paris in January.

Besides this activity, I have joined the team specifically dedicated to the development of mathematics in Africa. The work is chaired by Marie-Francoise Roy and from this year I'm joining her in this role. This Equipe-Africa analysis, proposes, and monitors special activities with the scope of a broader and intensive development of the mathematics in this continent. The meetings in this team are usually held by telephone-conference. Particular effort is directed to the promotion of the EMA (Ecole Mathematique Africaine), which are mathematical schools at master level in selected topics. This activity of CIMPA is carried through in direct collaboration with the UMA (Union Mathematique Africaine). I am part of the selection committee for the EMA together with some colleagues at CIMPA and from the UMA.

Within the activities that I have carried through as part of Norwegian projects, I have continued relationships with Sub-Saharan Africa in particular with SAMSA (Southern African Mathematical Sciences Association) and I have taken active part at the annual conference, which was held in Lilongwe, Malawi, at the end of November 2012. In this occasion, we have had chance of networking, bringing some members of ISP and the CDC to take part to the conference. Being member of the Norwegian Master Program "Mathematical modelling" funded by NOMA and based in Dar-es-Salam, Tanzania, I have followed the progression of the students and also had the steering committee meeting during the very same SAMSA conference. The program is very successful in terms of students finishing and in terms of gender ratio of participation. However, the program has now reached an end. So together with the coordinator in Dar-es-Salam, we have now filed a new application for a new master/PhD program (of which I will be the Norwegian coordinator). The outcome of the application is not yet known.

In April 2013 I am holding a series of lectures on "Backwards stochastic differential equations and risk measures" at Buea Summer School in Mathematical Finance and Actuarial Sciences, Buea Cameroon.

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Last modified: April 15, 2012